HomeChek is the most comprehensive source of information on every home, street and neighbourhood in Toronto.
Customized to each unique address, the HomeChek Report provides potential home buyers, sellers, and their agents with valuable information that could impact their quality of life and the potential value of their property, including:
All crime that has occurred in the neighbourhood over the past decade.
All construction permits issued for the home and all neighbouring properties' recent construction activity.
The proficiency scores and profiles of nearby schools.
All hazards and undesirable elements within close proximity... Cellular towers, grow ops, rooming houses, illicit activities and even DineSafe violations.
The demographic makeup of the neighbourhood... education levels, income, ethnicity.
All complaints about neighbouring properties... fence disputes, noise concerns and poorly maintained properties.
Before making the biggest investment of a lifetime, a HomeChek report will help:
Avoid surprises about a home and surrounding neighbourhood
Provide concise negotiating points for a home purchase or sale
Save time and money with a single, comprehensive source of information